This Guy!

I am so lucky. I married the right man for me. I never watch a chick flick with envy for the leading man, because my man is so much better than fiction. We don’t have a perfect marriage and he is not without flaw (nor am I), but he is amazing and I love him with my selfish heart so much more now than I ever have. Here is my Love List.

Love List:

He chased after me even when I rejected him.

He married me when he thought I was infertile.

He never hesitated to pursue adoption when we were classified as such.

He graciously handled the “Do not touch me phase” of my pregnancy.

He encouraged me to stay home when I finally became a mom.

He immediately agreed to take certification classes for foster care when I said I felt God calling, even though we had a 1 year old and I was 6 months pregnant.

He followed my heart again a few months later when we met Sean, bringing a teen into our family which already sported a toddler and an infant.

He put the bug in my ear about homeschooling, a dream I didn’t even know I had until he revealed it.

He supported my many years of youth ministry, freeing me to take numerous overnight trips with middle and high schoolers for over a decade.

When my life turned upside down the year I gave up both homeschool and youth group, he carried my tears with me and helped me stand again.

He let me take a dream trip to Kenya when we really couldn’t afford it and even sent me flowers for our anniversary.

He held the fort down while I spend the first year and a half adjusting to being a working mom, teaching my first year, and taking certification classes for my teaching certificate.

He carried me through the loss of both of my parents, including the months of care my mother required.

He held my dream for The Hannah More Project with care, and topped it off by jumping in to build it through toil and sacrifice, hours on end.

I am a lucky woman; I am a woman deeply in love. 

I am looking forward to the rest of our life together, chasing God side by side.

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