Living the Dream

Sometimes when I write about my life being a mess, I include #livingthedream or something similar. I enjoy making light of the hard times, but life isn’t all hard times. Life is full of beautiful moments, adventures, and love.

A couple years back, a friend of mine encouraged me to start keeping track of my kid’s accomplishments (awards, activities, etc.) in a document which could later be used to help them in writing out their college applications. She said that they are often busy and don’t keep track of these things, and then they forget about them when the time comes to list their accomplishments.  It made me start to think that I should do the same for myself. Not for a job resume, but simply as a reminder of the amazing life I have been fortunate enough to live.  I called it my Reverse Bucket List.

I thought I would share it with you in hopes of inspiring you to do the same thing. These are in no particular order.

Things I have done in my life (aka – The Reverse Bucket List)

  • Worked security for Mexican rock star, Yuri (AKA The Mexican Madonna). (Missions trip to Mexico)
  • Helped judge a spear throwing  and gum boot tossing contest among Masai warriors in Kenya. (This was more honorary than real, but I’m okay with this.)
  • Set foot in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans as well as the Caribbean Sea.
  • Snorkeled in the Caribbean. Swam with sharks and sting rays.
  • Sang the National Anthem at a Phillies Game (twice). (HS choir)
  • Marched in the NYC St. Patty’s Day Parade (twice). (HS marching band)
  • Visited prisons in the US, Mexico, and Belize.
  • Won 2nd place at the Stockton State science fair (NJ) and advanced to regionals in PA where I won 3rd  place. (MS-Physics).
  • Taught sex education classes in high schools, drug education in a detention center, and tutored in an adolescent rehab facility.
  • Visited with Mayan Indians in Belize and a Masai village in Kenya.
  • Traveled solo into the city of Amsterdam for a short walk and breakfast downtown.
  • Slept in a tent in the African plains while on safari in Kenya. (resort camping)
  • Was a grave digger! (Mom and Sean’s cremains.)
  • Won writing contest at a writer’s conference (GPCWC 2016)
  • Been to 41 of the 50 US States and 5 other nations.
  • Helped rebuild/repair homes in KY and NJ through ABCNJ-Youth Work Camp.
  • Taught numerous children how to read.
  • Earned a BA and an MA from TSC / TNCJ.
  • Wrote the first draft of a book.
  • I have hiked with llamas in Massachusetts, got a little too close to a bear in the Smokey Mountains, touched snow on the top of the Rocky Mountains, gone caving in West Virginia, saw a lion on safari in Kenya, and been white water rafting in Tennessee.
  • I have raised a family of 4 great kids and been married to the love of my life for over 2 decades.
  • I’ve run in an official 5K race (twice).
  • I have successfully navigated the NYC subway system solo. I have also flown solo internationally, and taken and cab and a train (either alone or with only a child in tow.)5Kmayan temple

Spear throwingwhitewateramsterdamKenya beachlion


I am looking forward to adding to this list of all I have seen and done. Life is not all adventure, but it is far more than the daily grind. I don’t want to forget what I’ve done for fear of forgetting that there is so much more left to do. This life is good, and I want to savor it.

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