Christmas: Redemption in a Broken World


A number of things have recently reminded me of just how broken this fallen world is. Sadness has washed over me over and over again this week, as I have seen the faces of grief, loss, and suffering. So many hurting people.

It seems to me that all brokenness is rooted in some form of damaged relationships. Sometimes that comes through death. Loved ones left behind with heartache and memories. Sometimes it is the disintegration of a marriage that once held the promises of a lifetime of love and companionship but now represents only shackles of despair. Most often it is the hurts between friends and family, colleagues and neighbors, and the strangers who we encounter every day. We hurt each other, sometimes intentionally, sometimes in ignorance, foolishness, or error.  Offenses large and small taint our every relationship.

Yet, that is not all there is to this tragic story. Christ came into the world to “bind up the brokenhearted.” (Isaiah 61:1) The restoration of relationships, our relationship to God himself being paramount. One day there will be no more death, divorce, or sin. Until that day, we have the great responsibility and privilege to be his hands and feet here on earth to work towards restoration. At times we will fail. Some chasms are too deep and wide for our limitations. Yet, we can still be a light in a dark world. We can still reach out in love, forgiveness, and hope.

I can’t heal the pain of those I love, but I can be love for those who hurt. It doesn’t seem like enough most days, but its all I have, and it’s all I’m called to be. I have to leave the rest in Jesus’ capable hands because he is enough.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6, ESV)


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