Calling All Readers! Join my ARC Team

Hello friends,

I’m about ready to launch my first ever novel, and I’m putting together a team of people who are interested in supporting me in my writing journey. Members of this team would receive a free Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of my upcoming book, Discovering Darcy, a modern take on Pride and Prejudice. In return, I would love to get your thoughts on my book. Are there typos the editor missed? Is there a timeline error, a plot hole, or something else that needs to be fixed before it is published? Then, on the release day or shortly after, I am asking you to leave a review on Amazon or Goodreads.  At the end of your review will need to mention that you received an ARC in exchange for your honest review.  Additionally, I’d love to have you share my Facebook page, website or even the link to the book on Amazon with your family and friends.

If you’re interested in joining my team, please email me through my contact form at the bottom of my website homepage and let me know.

Thanks for supporting me!


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