Speak Out on Our Immigration Policy

Typically,  I post on my blog once a week. This week, I decided that I could either spend time writing a post or spend my time writing my congressional representatives. I chose the later. I hope you chose to do the same.

It doesn’t take very long to share your thoughts. You don’t need to understand all the details of the immigration debate. You just need to let them know what you are thinking. For me, I don’t want to hear about politics and the historic nature of a specific law when it comes to snatching children from their parents. I am appalled, and I want them to know.

Here is how to find and contact your representatives. I used email, but you can call or use old fashioned snail mail.

House of Representatives:


President Trump*

It’s worth the time.

* Don’t even get me started on my feeling regarding President Trump’s automatic response to my email. I’m not sure that President Trump’s approach toward’s illegal immigrant fathers is exactly admirable.


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