Remembering What Is Good

A friend once remarked to me that no one ever tells you how great marriage is. Having walked several couples (including her) through pre-marriage counseling sessions, I realized she was right. We spent so much time trying to prepare couples for the very real challenges and struggles of an “unto death do you part” union, that we fail to talk about the joys. I think we assume they already know all the benefits or they wouldn’t be getting married.

Let me take a minute to remind you what makes marriage so amazing.

jay and barb 1I love that at the end of my day, I am coming home to my husband and the home we have created. I get to lay my head down next to his and sleep secure. Long gone are the days of drawn out goodbye kisses followed by a cold car ride home that would separate us for the night.

I love having someone who knows everything about me and still promises to love me forever. The safety and security both physically and emotionally are the adult equivalent of the implicit love a child has for their parents. Sure, we have broken faith which each other hundreds of times with our words and actions. Yet, somehow love has ultimately been able to cover a multitude of our sins and bind us even closer together. Pushing through those hard and painful times has actually resulted in this deeper love.

Marriage also means a divided work load. It takes less time to grocery shop, cook, do laundry, etc. for a couple than it did when we were two singles in separate homes. We save time and resources and are able to share the load. Another bonus is back-up. Having someone, whose life is geared towards being your support system in every way, eases the burdens of life.

Children are another obvious joy that can come with marriage. Raising a family together has been the hardest, most rewarding, painful, and wonderful, accomplishment of my entire life, and it was all made possible through marriage.

I am married to my best friend. We take road trips and go out to dinner. We step around each other getting ready for work in the morning, and we laugh in bed at the end of the day. We have inside jokes and reminisce about days long gone. We worry about our kids, our finances, and our jobs, but we share the load. The last 24 years of my life, no major life even has happened that we did not share.

Marriage means not having to go home when the credits roll at the end of the movie. I hope to spend many more years watching the credits rolls together cuddled up on our couch. I know one day the credits will roll on one of our lives. Until that day, I am going to keep on loving fiercely.

Happy 22nd Anniversary, Jay!

jay barb 1992

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