Lord, Enlarge My Territory

Some of the greatest moments of my life have been those moments that have existed outside my comfort zone.

High school spring musicals
College Leadership New Jersey’s 2-week summer training
Pubic speaking/teaching the first time
Solo travel through Amsterdam on a layover

I could list numerous other examples, large and small, that span my lifetime. The moments that have brought me the most inner pride have been the hard things that I have done. The things that were uncomfortable, scary, lonely, and required gumption, those are the moments where I grew.

I try to spend as much time as possible inside my comfort zone, neither pushing myself or growing. I don’t think this is necessarily bad. We need to have those safe and comfortable times when we can rest up in between the moments that we push our limits. Living in these places of rest can prepare us to step out and be brave. Yet, I suspect the comforts of my safe zone almost numb me to sleep so that I forget that outside my self erected border is a world of adventure.


Recently, I read a book on women in leadership. I mulled it over in my mind for quite some time and discussed it with my husband. Then my husband suggested I do something way outside my comfort zone. I offered up lots of reasons not to do it, but I thought back to that book. With his encouragement and coaching, I decided to do a big and brave thing, I am braver and more confident now.

Here is the beauty of frequently stepping out of your comfort zone: your territory enlarges. That area, which was so scary a hundred tries before, becomes old hat. It now exists within your new, larger comfort zone. The first time I went into a classroom as a guest speaker, I was terrified. Each time if became easier. Eventually, it became ordinary. I had enlarged my place of rest. Now, I can go back to that place of rest and push the borders a little more.

Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.- 1 Chronicles 4:10

Perhaps, God uses our adventures outside our comfort zone to expand our territory so he can use us to do even greater things for his Kingdom. I love the idea of God keeping me free of pain, I’m a huge fan of pain avoidance, but I also think that many of the blessings in life and our greatest growth moments come to us through and with pain. One does not birth a child into this world without pain. Likewise, one does not become the person they are meant to be without struggle.

I pray that God will enlarge my territory by nudging me to push my limits and go beyond what is safe. I pray for a little fear, a little pain, and a whole lot of adventure.


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