My Fruitless Attempts at Delegating Housework

Here are some of my fruitless attempts at getting my family to pitch in around the house:

cleaning I have also left the toilet bowl cleaner laying over the toilet seat for the next person in the bathroom to use before they are allowed to leave the bathroom. I keep saying I am not cleaning the main bathroom any more. I clean the one in my room. But eventually, I cave and clean it.


I have purchased all sorts of laundry baskets and labeled them. I let them suffer the natural consequences of not having clean underwear, but still the laundry baskets laden with clean clothes clutter my kitchen. I have used subtle and not so subtle threats of arson.


I have refused to do tasks that my kids are capable of doing on their own. Usually, they walk out fo the house for formal events looking like their clothes have been balled up on the corner of the floor for months. (Truth: They probably were.)


I have left instructions for cooking contests. Actually, I have also left them recipes and then left town. Literally, when I go out of town I require my kids to cook dinner for the family. I leave the ingredient and the recipe. (Bonus: I am not the one eating failed attempts.)


I have forced children without summer jobs to do all dishes until they are gainfully employed. They also need to mow the lawn in the summer and shovel the snow in the winter. Why? Because I’m getting older and I’m saving my back for when they move out and I’m stuck doing it.

Yet, somehow, I am still the one reminding, nagging, and threatening everyone to do all the things. What I want is to not be the one laying down the law. I want my family to see a job that needs to be done, and then just do it. Silently, preferably.

I am taking suggestions for instilling some ownership to household tasks. Tips? What’s worked for you? My kids are high school and college age, but feel free to share tips for younger kids that might benefit someone else.



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