me in Kenya walking on the beach seeing the Indian Ocean for the first time.


This world is not for the faint of heart.

Have you found that life is harder than you thought it would be? Have you felt pressured to live up to impossible standards? Does everyone else seem to have their life together, except you? Then this is the place for you.

You are welcome here where we can make this journey together. It's my hope that in writing about the humor and joy that I find in life even in the midst of grief and pain, you too will be able to find the joy in the midst of your challenges. I yearn to be real and transparent, so I cover a wide variety of topics that are near and dear to my heart, including marriage, mental illness, and the loss of an adult child. I share about being a Christian woman in this Pintrest perfect world, and my never ending and very imperfect pursuit to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. I hope that you might see yourself in some of what I share and discover that you are not alone in your insecurities, struggles, and doubts.

A bit about me

So if we are going to walk this path together, you might want to know a little bit about me. By day (and sometimes by night and weekends) I am an elementary teacher, a job I adore for a million reasons, not the least of which is that I get paid to read books, talk about history, and take walks in the woods. When I am not teaching, I enjoy spending time with my husband of over 20 years, Jay, and my three high school and college age children, Caleb, Abigail, and Joel.

My side gig as a writer began as a way for me to process my own life. I found that words helped me define my troubles. Those words seemed to contain my troubles, and because they didn't seem quite so immense, I felt I could tackle them. Comic writing and storytelling on the other had was a way for me to share my take on the absurdities of living in this fallen world and bring laughter to my friends and family.

A few years back, I decided to use my writing for something I was passionate about: social justice. I founded The Hannah More Project, a Christian website dedicated to educating people on the issues of injustice and oppression locally and globally, and then inspire Christians to become agents of change.

In the little time left after all that, I enjoy cooking, eating, reading, traveling, and watching chick flicks. I tell people I like to hike, but I really only mean the downhill part.  My current projects include writing my first book and booking some additional speaking engagements.

So what about you?

If you want to share with me more about yourself, or invite me to come speak at an event, you can connect with me here.