Still I Will Follow...

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Why I Wrote My Book

In 2015, my mother passed away. It followed over a year of hospital visits, nursing home stays, countless hours of in-home care provided by my siblings and me, and a few weeks of hospice. It was a hard year in many ways, but one amazing gift came from that time. My siblings and I came together to care for our mom, and we developed a friendship that still brings me great joy. Difficult situations, especially...

The Purpose Filled Wedding

Recently, I went to a fabulous wedding, truly one of the best ones ever. Like all Christ-centered weddings, it was filled with praise and worship, […]


A Mile Wide: A book review (of sorts)

Thirty years ago, I gave my life to Jesus. I was just 13 years old. Growing up in a Christian home, I had attended church […]

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A Little Bible Math

Time for a little math. I have just completed writing out the book of Mathew. In my paper Bible the book of Matthew covers 32 […]

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Writing the Bible: The first book

Day 1: June 16- Mathew Chapter 1. By verse 3 I had already made a huge mistake and had to scribble out an entire line. […]

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Writing the Bible

And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by […]

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Inclusion in the Church Age

The entire story of the Bible, for all nations and all people, heads toward an invitation to inclusion, not exclusion. – Sara Gaston Barton Separation […]

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Vote Early, Vote Often

Election season is upon us. Personally, I know I have found my blood pressure rising as I scroll through new articles and social media posts. […]

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A Million Things Spoken and 1 Thing That Wasn't

Sixteen and a half years ago, Jay and I made a decision to become foster parents. Caleb was an infant, and I was pregnant with […]



I have developed an intimacy with tears over the past few years. I no longer wipe them away or hide them from others. Unless they […]

Reckless Love

Here is the backwards way about life: the more deeply you live and the more deeply you love, the more deeply you hurt. Loving is […]


When What Doesn’t Make You Stronger Does Kill You

As a school teacher and mother of school aged children, life is measured not in calendar years, but school years. 2009-2010 Six years ago was […]

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The Other: Our desire to separate

I am a reader. I don’t mean that each year I can check a large number of books off my laundry list of literary titles, […]

An Open Letter to Mental Health Professionals Who Work With Teenagers: 7 things you ought to know

March 2016 Dear Mental Health Professionals, 1: I appreciate all you are doing to help us: Thank you! I want to thank you for the […]


The Year of Jubilee

For the past six years I have written a New Year’s Eve post. Six years in which I said something like, “Boy this year was […]

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10 New Year's Resolutions for Mediocre -at- Best Mothers of Teens

    Exercise daily– Health is important. You need to develop your stamina to make it through these days. Each day do a sit-up. Yes, […]