Still I Will Follow...

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Why I Wrote My Book

In 2015, my mother passed away. It followed over a year of hospital visits, nursing home stays, countless hours of in-home care provided by my siblings and me, and a few weeks of hospice. It was a hard year in many ways, but one amazing gift came from that time. My siblings and I came together to care for our mom, and we developed a friendship that still brings me great joy. Difficult situations, especially...
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When God Sends You Home

Almost a year ago I sat around my best friend’s kitchen table with my closest friends and the book Restless by Jennie Allen. We were discussing what […]

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This Guy!

I am so lucky. I married the right man for me. I never watch a chick flick with envy for the leading man, because my […]

1 Peter 5-8

Living Passionately With Boundaries

In Father of The Bride (1991), George Banks (played by Steve Martin) is talking with his daughter’s ex-fiancé following a dramatic break-up scene. George is trying to […]

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Parenting the Approximation

As I read the email sent home from school, I immediately had that, “What now?” reaction. When you have a child who was born living […]


Taking My Breath Away

The call came: an accident. Frantic calls and a harried journey home. The shock of this new reality hit me so hard I couldn’t breath. […]


What Does a Calling Look Like?

It’s been years. I can’t say for sure, but I suspect the first time I felt this sense that God had something different for me, […]

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On Death and Dying- Hospice and Heaven

My mother is dying, words I still find hard to believe. I’ve known this for over a year now, but the reality of these words […]


New Year’s Eve Tradition

I have been writing a New Year’s Eve reflection for several year’s now. Typically I write it in the evening, but our friends are making […]

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To My Son on His 30th Birthday

December 16, 2014 To My Son on His 30th Birthday, I do not remember what happened on the day you were born. I never held your […]


Would You Like to Dance?

Lord, I’m done with the wrestling. I’m done with the striving. I’m done with the always looking towards more. I just want to be with […]


Not Enough

My greatest fear is that I am not enough. Not good enough, not capable enough, not faithful enough, not enough for what I was made […]


Come Farther Up, Come Farther In

Another year has come and gone. I have made a habit of posting New Year’s Eve blogs that reflect on the previous year and look […]

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On Being Vulnerable

A few weeks ago I broke down into tears several times, including in the midst of a parent teacher conference with my daughters teacher, head […]


On Turning 40

I have pondered what a post on the arrival of my 40th birthday would like like, and after much thought I felt a day in […]


Empty Nest Syndrome

Some days I wonder about this thing called “empty nest syndrome”. As I struggle with the day-to-day challenges of raising children, with the constant bickering, […]