Still I Will Follow...

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Why I Wrote My Book

In 2015, my mother passed away. It followed over a year of hospital visits, nursing home stays, countless hours of in-home care provided by my siblings and me, and a few weeks of hospice. It was a hard year in many ways, but one amazing gift came from that time. My siblings and I came together to care for our mom, and we developed a friendship that still brings me great joy. Difficult situations, especially...
women church 2

Desert Seasons: Rest, Refreshment, Relationship

We’ve all been through hard seasons. Sometimes those are just dry spells other times severe droughts. Sometimes they are of our own making, but often […]

fall leaves

Press Down and Shaken Together

“Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For […]

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What Does Restoration Look Like?

I will restore to you the years that the swarming locusts has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter,  my great army, which I […]


Once Upon This Time: Cover Reveal

I’m very excited to be almost ready to launch my first book, a collection of short stories. I’ve gotten my book back from my editor, […]


New Year’s Eve Ramblings: 25 Years of Change and Going Strong

Each December 31st, I write a post reflecting on the past year and planning for the future. Today, as we enter a new decade, I […]


Christmas Romance Novel Challenge

Christmas is in the air, despite the desires of so many to hold back the evergreen tide until at least the end of the Macy’s […]


It’s Time to Start Christmas Shopping Ethical Gifts and Worthwhile Organizations

This is the first year that our family won’t have a discussion regarding the purchase of a Christmas Tree. Typically, we procrastinate until we find […]

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Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

Earlier this week, my newsfeed filled up with criticism against a prominent Christian leader whose negative comments about another prominent Christian leader were widely unpopular. […]


Something’s Got To Give

I’ve heard various takes of the “you can’t have it all” mindset. The version that says “you can have it all, but not at the […]

Kenya beach

Giving Up

A combination of a sore throat, poor decisions (in the form of some really great books), and a 46 year old body has left be […]


A Wine Tasting Guide for the Non-Wine Drinker

I love my family, but I hate wine. Thus began my quandary. My sister was organizing a group to go on a wine train excursion […]


September for Teachers and Parents

When I was a child, I loved school. Sure I was excited for days off and summertime, but I truly enjoyed going to school. I […]


Rolling With the Punches

Some of life’s punches are excruciating and life-altering. They mold us into new people. In the midst of the struggle it would be incomprehensible to […]


Redemption after Destruction

Sometimes our lives feel like utter devastation. Maybe not by outward appearance, but definitely on the inside. The human heart can bear more pain than […]


Layers of Memories: Before and After Loss

My baby turns 17 next month. His nearly six foot frame towers over me. He is looking at colleges and preparing for his driver’s test. […]