Still I Will Follow...

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Why I Wrote My Book

In 2015, my mother passed away. It followed over a year of hospital visits, nursing home stays, countless hours of in-home care provided by my siblings and me, and a few weeks of hospice. It was a hard year in many ways, but one amazing gift came from that time. My siblings and I came together to care for our mom, and we developed a friendship that still brings me great joy. Difficult situations, especially...
Mom pic

A Fitting Departure

The funeral home people had arrived. They came in their suits with solemn faces. They made their condolences. Mom’s bedroom was in the back of […]

Snake in the Freezer

As a homeschool mom for many years, I can appreciate the hoarding mentality. I truly can. I have a pretty eclectic collection of items that […]

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Her Teens Rise Up and Call Her #Blessed

I don’t want to brag, but I have totally nailed this part of Proverbs 31. Seriously, I have 3 teenagers under my roof right now, […]

travel map

How to Plan a Road Trip

Step 1: Determine the length of your trip. How many days will you have? Do you have a week? Two weeks? Consider whatever length of […]

Family 1

You Won't Want This Hard Thing Back

To those of you going through a really hard time, maybe parenting, or caring for an aging parent, or being single and wishing you weren’t, […]

honey bee

Letter to My American Honey

Free as a weed Couldn’t wait to get goin’ But wasn’t quite ready to leave. “American Honey” by Lady Antebellum Letter to my American Honey, […]


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: 10 Tips for Repurposing Leftovers

I love to cook, but I’m also busy and tired. This means that I want to make dinner, but I also want it done quickly. […]

jay barb 1992

Getting my MRS. Degree

I went to college to get my BA and my MRS. Degrees. I don’t know if anyone still talks about this, but back in the […]


Surviving the Natural Disaster Known as Parenting

Everyone has heard stories of people who have fallen in love after surviving a traumatic ordeal together.  These romantic dramas make for great books and […]

prayer closet

Stumbling into the Truth of Being a Godly Woman

A few years back, I resolved to strengthen the spiritual disciplines in my life. I desired to be more consistent in my quiet times, deepen […]

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A Brother is Born for Adversity

A Friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity. – Proverbs 17:17 A man of many companions may come to ruin, […]

life disasters

Borrowing Trouble From Yesterday

Proverbs 17: 21,22 21 He who sires a fool gets himself sorrow,     and the father of a fool has no joy. 22 A joyful heart is good medicine, […]


Love Does: A Review (the book and the organization)

The name Bob Goff came up so frequently in the past year or so I had to check him out. I didn’t know much about […]


Living the Dream

Sometimes when I write about my life being a mess, I include #livingthedream or something similar. I enjoy making light of the hard times, but […]


After the Fire: A Family History

On December 16, 1956, an arsonist set fire to several churches in Trenton, New Jersey, including the 3rd oldest United Methodist Church in North America. […]