Still I Will Follow...

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Why I Wrote My Book

In 2015, my mother passed away. It followed over a year of hospital visits, nursing home stays, countless hours of in-home care provided by my siblings and me, and a few weeks of hospice. It was a hard year in many ways, but one amazing gift came from that time. My siblings and I came together to care for our mom, and we developed a friendship that still brings me great joy. Difficult situations, especially...
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Life with Extra Cheese: A Book Review

Many of you know that I’m working on my own book about caring for my mother through her illness and death. And because you know […]

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The Yes Game or How to Travel with Your Mother

After my father passed away I wanted to ease my mother’s loss by doing some traveling with her, something her and Dad had done together. […]

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School Pictures and Dorian Gray

October is that time of year when school children all across America are bringing home portrait packages. Parents will wonder at how fast their children […]

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A Taste of Hope After the Long Journey

  Quietly and with only the barest of necessities, a family leaves the only home they have known. They are fearful of being apprehended by […]



I have done many things in my life as a parent that I never thought I would do. I have uttered phrases like, “Don’t put […]


Marriage: Having Each Other's Back

I wish I could say that I have total faith in God and His strength to carry me through any difficult circumstance that comes my […]


Passing Us By

It is not uncommon for some of  the most life altering events to pass us by without our realizing. That moment when the stripe turns […]


More Than We Ask

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within […]

car freshener

Housekeeping Made Simple

People are always saying to me, “Your house feels so lived in.” You know why that is?  We live here. We don’t have a separate […]

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A Night Owl's Guide to the Day Job: 7 Tips

Nothing should ever begin before the clock reads 8 am. This should go without saying, but is seems this world is populated by less spiritual […]


Forced From Home

It was a chilly day 3 months ago. I had a warm coat, but the wind occasionally kicked up, making me wish I had one […]


Stained Glass Lives

Thanksgiving Eve in 2015, I sat in church holding a rock. As part of the service that evening, we were each asked to write something […]


Release: A New Year's Eve Resolution

  My New Year’s Eve tradition has been to write a reflection piece. I often chose a word to summarize the past year or a […]


When the Stockings Aren't Hung

Our family tends to be a little late in the game for getting ready for the holidays.  So there I was on the 23rd, pulling […]


The Cumulative Impact of Grief

I’ve been thinking a lot about grief these past weeks as we move into the holiday season. This year will be a hard year for […]