Dr. Jesus, the Church, and Mental Health
Here are some facts about our brains from “Complexity of Our Brain” by Dr. Mario D. Garrett as found in Psychology Today. A human brain has […]
She laughs at the time to come. – Proverbs 31: 25b
posts for barbaraseidle.com related to non-fiction
Here are some facts about our brains from “Complexity of Our Brain” by Dr. Mario D. Garrett as found in Psychology Today. A human brain has […]
Carolyn had seen the muffled sobs that shook me in the pew and had come to gather me into her arms. Despite having only met […]
As women, I think we feel this pressure to “have it it all” or at least have what we do have all together. We want […]
Election Day is right around the corner, and I have no idea who I’m voting for. To be honest, outside of the school board election, […]
After my father passed away I wanted to ease my mother’s loss by doing some traveling with her, something her and Dad had done together. […]
October is that time of year when school children all across America are bringing home portrait packages. Parents will wonder at how fast their children […]
Quietly and with only the barest of necessities, a family leaves the only home they have known. They are fearful of being apprehended by […]
I wish I could say that I have total faith in God and His strength to carry me through any difficult circumstance that comes my […]
It is not uncommon for some of the most life altering events to pass us by without our realizing. That moment when the stripe turns […]
“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within […]