I began writing several years ago blogging as a way to record and process my life. I believe in living life out loud, so I invited others into my journey. My writing topics cover the issues that many of us face in life such as relationships, work, and faith. Life can be messy and hard, so I’m not afraid to touch on topics like mental health and the never-ending process of grief and loss in this fallen world. As difficult as this world can be at times, there is so much joy and beauty to be found even in the brokenness. My hope is to help others find hope and humor on their own journey.


Christmas Romance Novel Challenge

Christmas is in the air, despite the desires of so many to hold back the evergreen tide until at least the end of the Macy’s […]


It’s Time to Start Christmas Shopping Ethical Gifts and Worthwhile Organizations

This is the first year that our family won’t have a discussion regarding the purchase of a Christmas Tree. Typically, we procrastinate until we find […]

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Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

Earlier this week, my newsfeed filled up with criticism against a prominent Christian leader whose negative comments about another prominent Christian leader were widely unpopular. […]


Something’s Got To Give

I’ve heard various takes of the “you can’t have it all” mindset. The version that says “you can have it all, but not at the […]

Kenya beach

Giving Up

A combination of a sore throat, poor decisions (in the form of some really great books), and a 46 year old body has left be […]


A Wine Tasting Guide for the Non-Wine Drinker

I love my family, but I hate wine. Thus began my quandary. My sister was organizing a group to go on a wine train excursion […]


September for Teachers and Parents

When I was a child, I loved school. Sure I was excited for days off and summertime, but I truly enjoyed going to school. I […]


Rolling With the Punches

Some of life’s punches are excruciating and life-altering. They mold us into new people. In the midst of the struggle it would be incomprehensible to […]


Redemption after Destruction

Sometimes our lives feel like utter devastation. Maybe not by outward appearance, but definitely on the inside. The human heart can bear more pain than […]


Layers of Memories: Before and After Loss

My baby turns 17 next month. His nearly six foot frame towers over me. He is looking at colleges and preparing for his driver’s test. […]


Middle Age Hiking Tips

My husband and I enjoy hiking. More accurately, we enjoy the scenery of a wooded trail. Most of our family vacations include one or more […]


Fathers Setting the Bar for Marriage

Working on my website this past week, I came across a very old tribute piece I wrote for my Dad. While I’m pretty biased about […]

honey bee

Summer’s Last Ditch Efforts

I live in New Jersey where school starts after Labor Day. The summer count down has one month remaining. Teachers at my school report back […]


What’s Up With Middle Age?

So, I turned 46 this month. I am clearly middle aged.  Statistically, I’ve already lived more than half of my life, though I don’t like […]

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Parenting Adults

About the time I started college, I recall a change happening in my home. My family would all get together for some holiday and the […]