And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by […]
I began writing several years ago blogging as a way to record and process my life. I believe in living life out loud, so I invited others into my journey. My writing topics cover the issues that many of us face in life such as relationships, work, and faith. Life can be messy and hard, so I’m not afraid to touch on topics like mental health and the never-ending process of grief and loss in this fallen world. As difficult as this world can be at times, there is so much joy and beauty to be found even in the brokenness. My hope is to help others find hope and humor on their own journey.
A Million Things Spoken and 1 Thing That Wasn't
Sixteen and a half years ago, Jay and I made a decision to become foster parents. Caleb was an infant, and I was pregnant with […]
I have developed an intimacy with tears over the past few years. I no longer wipe them away or hide them from others. Unless they […]
Reckless Love
Here is the backwards way about life: the more deeply you live and the more deeply you love, the more deeply you hurt. Loving is […]
When What Doesn’t Make You Stronger Does Kill You
As a school teacher and mother of school aged children, life is measured not in calendar years, but school years. 2009-2010 Six years ago was […]
An Open Letter to Mental Health Professionals Who Work With Teenagers: 7 things you ought to know
March 2016 Dear Mental Health Professionals, 1: I appreciate all you are doing to help us: Thank you! I want to thank you for the […]
The Year of Jubilee
For the past six years I have written a New Year’s Eve post. Six years in which I said something like, “Boy this year was […]
10 New Year's Resolutions for Mediocre -at- Best Mothers of Teens
Exercise daily– Health is important. You need to develop your stamina to make it through these days. Each day do a sit-up. Yes, […]
When God Sends You Home
Almost a year ago I sat around my best friend’s kitchen table with my closest friends and the book Restless by Jennie Allen. We were discussing what […]