Writing, Life, Travel, Food - mixed with quirky humor


I am a Bible believing, justice loving, deeply passionate person. I love my family, making people laugh, drinking tea, and planning trips I can’t afford to take. I prefer chick-flicks to dramas, and the mountains to the beach. I write for therapy, reflection, and posterity. My humor is often dark and a touch salty, but so is life and at times - honestly, so was Jesus. I am learning what it means to follow Christ each day in this broken world. I desire to live with greater abandon and write with an authenticity that helps others not feel so alone.


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Why I Wrote My Book

In 2015, my mother passed away. It followed over a year of hospital visits, nursing home stays, countless hours of in-home care provided by my siblings and me, and a few weeks of hospice. It was a hard year in many ways, but one amazing gift came from that time. My siblings and I came together to care for our mom, and we developed a friendship that still brings me great joy. Difficult situations, especially the death of a parent, can tear families apart. My parents used to tell us stories of people they knew who stopped speaking to their siblings when the will didn't turn out the way they hoped, or someone wasn't pulling their fair share, or who knows what other things might lead to falling out of favor with one another. My parents said that nothing was worth that. I think if they saw us today, they would be overjoyed. About a year after Mom died, I really began to think about writing my story. Our story. The text messages we shared and the laughter we experienced in the midst of the pain seems like something other people might benefit from. I am not the only one...


Looking to know me better? - Start Here!


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Catch up on the latest posts

Middle Age Hiking Tips

My husband and I enjoy hiking. More accurately, we enjoy the scenery of a wooded trail. Most of our family...
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Fathers Setting the Bar for Marriage

Working on my website this past week, I came across a very old tribute piece I wrote for my Dad....
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Summer’s Last Ditch Efforts

I live in New Jersey where school starts after Labor Day. The summer count down has one month remaining. Teachers...
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What’s Up With Middle Age?

So, I turned 46 this month. I am clearly middle aged.  Statistically, I've already lived more than half of my...
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Parenting Adults

About the time I started college, I recall a change happening in my home. My family would all get together...
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Lessons in Grief: 3, 4, and 23 Years Later

Monday marked the 3rd anniversary of the death of our son. Unable to fall asleep, I found myself crying in...
Read More about Lessons in Grief: 3, 4, and 23 Years Later


Kind comments from friends, colleagues and supporters


“She’s smart. She's savvy. She’s creative. She’s curious. She’s funny, very funny. And she loves the Lord with her whole heart. Barbara speaks in terms that are God- centered and relatable and shares her stories and insights through adorable humor!”

-Leslie B.


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